Chapter 4


JavaScript strings share many similarities with string implementations in other high-level languages. They represent text-based messages and data. In this course, we will cover the basics, including how to create new strings and perform common operations on them.

Here is an example of a string:

"Hello World"

String indexes are zero-based, meaning that starting position of the first character at 0 followed by others in incremental order. Various methods are supported by string and return a new value. These methods are described below.

Name Description
charAt() Returns character at specified index
charCodeAt() Returns Unicode character at specified index
concat() Returns two or more combined strings
constructor Returns string's constructor function
endsWith() Checks if a string ends with a specified value
fromCharCode() Returns Unicode values as characters
includes() Checks if a string contains with a specified value
indexOf() Returns the index of its first occurrence
lastIndexOf() Returns the index of its last occurrence
length Returns the length of the string
localeCompare() Compares two strings with locale
match() Matches a string against a value or regular expression
prototype Used to add properties and method of an object
repeat() Returns new string with number of copies specified
replace() Returns a string with values replaced by a regular expression or a string with a value
search() Returns an index based on a string's match against a value or regular expression
slice() Returns a string containing part of a string
split() Splits string into array of substrings
startsWith() Checks strings beginning against specified character
substr() Extracts part of string, from start index
substring() Extracts part of string, between two indices
toLocalLowerCase() Returns string with lowercase characters using host's locale
toLocalUpperCase() Returns string with uppercase characters using host's locale
toLowerCase() Returns string with lowercase characters
toString() Returns string or string object as string
toUpperCase() Returns string with uppercase characters
trim() Returns string with removed whitespaces
trimEnd() Returns string with removed whitespaces from end
trimStart() Returns string with removed whitespaces from start
valueOf() Returns primitive value of string or string object

In this chapter, we will explore following topics:

results matching ""

    No results matching ""