
The screen object contains the information about the screen on which the current window is being rendered. To access screen object we can use the screen property of window object.


The window.screen object has different properties, some of them are listed here:

Property Description
availTop A read-only property that returns the first pixel from the top that is not taken up by system elements.
availWidth A read-only property that returns the pixel width of the screen excluding system elements.
colorDepth A read-only property that returns the number of bits used to represent colors.
height Represents the pixel height of the screen.
left Represents the pixel distance of the current screen’s left side.
orientation Returns the screen orientation as specified in the Screen Orientation API.
pixelDepth A read-only property that returns the bit depth of the screen.
top Represents the pixel distance of the current screen’s top.
width Represents the pixel width of the screen.

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