
In any programming language, string concatenation simply means appending one or more strings to another string. For example, when strings "World" and "Good Afternoon" are concatenated with string "Hello", they form the string "Hello World, Good Afternoon". We can concatenate a string in several ways in JavaScript.


const icon = "👋";

// using template Strings
`hi ${icon}`;

// using join() Method
["hi", icon].join(" ");

// using concat() Method
"".concat("hi ", icon);

//  using + operator
"hi " + icon;

// hi 👋

📝 Task:

  • [ ] Write a program to set the values for str1and str2 so the code prints 'Hello World' to the console.

  • [ ] Write a program that prompt user to enter their first name(first_name) and last name(last_name). Then, use string concatenation to create and display their full name(full_name).

  • [ ] Write a program that prompt user to enter their name. Then, use string concatenation to create a greeting message that include their name. For examples: Good morning, Aman.

💡 Hints:

  • Visit the concatenation chapter of strings for more info about string concatenation. Console output: website

Try it!



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