
The str.charAt() method returns the character at the given index of the string index holds the array element position.

  • using the charAt() method
  • using the template literal (introduced in ES6)

The charAt() method takes in:

Arguments: The only argument to this function is the index in the string from where the single character is to be extracted.

index: The range of this index is between 0 and length – 1. If no index is specified then the first character of the string is returned as 0 is the default index used for this function. Return Value: Returns a single character located at the index specified as the argument to the function. If the index is out of range, then this function returns an empty string.

//Example 1:
function func() {
    // Original string
    let str = 'JavaScript is object oriented language';

    // Finding the character at given index
    let value = str.charAt(0);
    let value1 = str.charAt(4);


//Example 2: 
function func() {

    // Original string
    let str = 'JavaScript is object oriented language';

    // Finding the character at given index
    let value = str.charAt(9);


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